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Techniques for Sealing Painted Furniture

Techniques for Sealing Painted Furniture

Do you love painting furniture but hate the hassle of sealing it? You’re not alone. Painting and sealing can be time-consuming and tedious, but there is a way to make this process much easier: seal with wax! Waxing your paint will protect it from spills and give your furniture a nice, clean finish. Read on for our guide to waxing painted furniture.

Sealing is a way to protect your painted furniture

You are in the process of painting your furniture and have finished with all the prep work. Now, you need to seal it so that you can enjoy your newly painted pieces for many years to come! The following steps will help ensure a successful finish:

  • Apply two coats of wood sealers are similar to paint, allowing each coat to dry completely before applying the next coat.
  • Use a natural bristle brush or sponge brush when applying sealant because they will not leave any bristles behind on your surface.
  • You may want to use an oil-based sealant if there is any chance that water or anything other than paint might come into contact with the surface. This will protect against stains and spills as well as repel dirt and dust.
  • Apply a coat of varnish after painting your piece with at least two coats of paint – This helps seal in the paint and make it last longer.
  • Avoid using oil-based paints on surfaces that are likely to get wet often – These types of paints don’t do well when they come into contact with water over time and will peel away from the wood more easily than other types of paint.

protect painted furniture

Benefits of sealing your furniture

Do you have a beautiful piece of furniture that has been painted? If so, then check out these tips for sealing it to keep the paint from chipping. The first thing you need to do is remove any dirt or dust on the surface with a damp cloth before applying sealant. Next, use an applicator brush to apply sealant in thin coats and allow each coat to dry before adding more. This will ensure maximum coverage and help prevent bubbles or other air pockets that can occur when using a sprayer. Finally, if your furniture is always going to be used under normal lighting conditions, consider using flat finish sealant instead of glossier finishes which are more susceptible to scratching over time.



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